4 Reasons Why Cincinnati, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September

Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

September is an excellent time to schedule your fall furnace tune-up, considering the weather, scheduling availability, the impending winter, and safety concerns. With the official start of fall on September 22, 2024, it is an opportune moment to arrange this vital HVAC service. At Cincinnati Premier Heating & Cooling, we understand the importance of ensuring your home remains warm and comfortable during the colder months. Therefore, to ensure your furnace is prepared for the upcoming fall and winter seasons, now is an ideal time to book your tune-up and safety check this month. 

Why Is September the Ideal Month to Get Your Furnace Tune-up? 

Reason 1. Weather: The arrival of fall signifies that the current weather conditions are particularly suitable for a furnace tune-up. Consider this: why September? When servicing your furnace, our NATE-certified technicians need to completely shut down your heating unit to conduct a safe and thorough inspection. Consequently, this month is ideal for this HVAC service due to the favorable weather conditions. 

Reason 2. Scheduling: September is an ideal time to schedule a furnace inspection and maintenance service. Throughout the remainder of the year, HVAC repair, replacement, and upgrade services experience peak demand. However, at the beginning of fall, the reduced reliance on air conditioning systems results in a relative slowdown in HVAC services as individuals gradually transition to using their furnaces. This presents an excellent opportunity to secure your critical furnace tune-up and safety check at a time that suits your schedule.  

Reason 3. Winter: As the leaves change color, the anticipation of winter begins. Given the prolonged nature of winter in Ohio, proactive preparation is a prudent strategy. As the colder months approach, scheduling a timely furnace tune-up is essential to ensure your heating system is ready for Ohio’s harsh winter conditions. It is probably safe to assume that the last thing you want on the coldest nights is a malfunctioning furnace—an easily preventable issue through a timely fall furnace inspection. 

Reason 4. Safety: Safety is another critical consideration. Before extensively using your furnace this season, it is essential to ensure that it complies with current safety regulations. Your furnace hasn’t been used in months, so making sure everything is still running fine is absolutely vital. This underscores why September is the ideal month for furnace maintenance; you want to get it checked when possible before it will be heavily used for the seasons. Ideally, you should have it inspected sooner rather than later.  

Did you know that carbon monoxide poisoning tends to increase during winter due to heightened usage of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines? In light of this, the National Safety Council strongly recommends annual servicing of your furnace and other coal-burning appliances by a certified technician. By keeping up with regular maintenance checks, you can prevent potential hazards, ensure your family’s safety, and maintain comfort in your home throughout the winter season. 

In summary, we at Cincinnati Premier Heating & Cooling highly recommend scheduling your furnace tune-up in September as the most prudent course of action. However, we recognize that unforeseen circumstances may occasionally disrupt plans. If September passes without a tune-up, there’s no need for concern. It is always better late than never, and you can still arrange your furnace service in October or early November. 

Bonus Reason –   

Manufacturer’s Warranty: As a crucial reminder, regular maintenance checks for your furnace are vital to upholding your manufacturer’s warranty. If this isn’t a compelling reason to schedule your tune-up today, we’re uncertain what else could be! 

Contact Cincinnati Premier Heating & Cooling today at (513) 216-5712 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here